The Diary Module
This will cover module features including:
- Views
- Alerts
- Viewings
- New Event (Viewings/Meetings etc.)
Options Section
New Event
Clicking on this icon will allow you to add a new diary entry.
Edit Event
Amend/change event already entered in the system.
Delete Event
Remove highlighted event.
Diary Range Section
Will show diary entry's for that day only.
Date Range
Display all events within a specified time period.
Send to Outlook
Send the current 'View' to Outlook.
Print Section
Export to Excel
Export the current 'view' to Excel (only on the 'List','Alerts' and 'Viewings' tab)
Print Diary
Print the current 'view'.
Diary Reports
Produce a report with several options such as 'Contract Renewals by Date', 'Diary List by User'.
Creating a New Diary Entry (New Event)
A new diary entry can consist of the following 'types':
- Event
- Viewing
- Call
- Meeting
- Other
Start by filling in all the applicable information of the dairy entry - for example subject/type/date and time etc.
Once you have filled in all the applicable information you can 'link' the diary event to the following modules; tenancy/property/work orders or contacts, these diary events will appear in the 'Journal' of that selected module. You will have the option to set the event as 'recurring'; this will automatically prompt the next event once the current event has been completed (You must ticket the completed box).
Notice the 'Attach' and 'Create Work Order' option on the top of the 'Diary Entry' screen; you are able to create a work order directly from this screen attaching the dairy event and the work order together. Once you have filled in all the applicable information 'Save and Exit', your new entry will now exist on the main 'Diary' screen.
Diary Views
By Default the system will open the diary on the 'List' which will display all general dairy events and viewings, this can be viewed by 'Day', 'Weekly' and 'Monthly'. The 'Alerts' option will only show property alerts, for example anything that you have entered in a property record that is renewable i.e. Gas Safety alerts or insurance renewals (under the management tab of a property). Viewings will show only 'Viewings' that have been entered either by using the 'New Viewing' option within 'Applicants' or from the dairy and selecting 'Viewing' as the activity type.
The Diary Screen - The List Tab
The 'List' View will consist of all 'Diary' type events (excluding 'Alerts'), this list can be filtered and categories can be added based on your own requirements. For Example, notice the 'Overview' filters all dairy events and types, these can then be broken down to a 'Category' for additional filters. To add your own 'Categories' go to the 'New Event' option and in that screen select the 'Category' option to be presented with the current list, from here select 'New' and add your new type. See example below. You will now see your new 'Category' on the 'List' filters.
The Diary Screen - The Alerts Tab
The 'Alerts' option will show property alerts. An alert can be anything that you have put in a property record that is renewable, for example Gas Safety alerts or Insurance Renewals.
To add a property alert go to the property record and under the management tab and add them from there.
The 'New Event' icon applies to:
- Event
- Viewing
- Call
- Meeting
- Other
The Diary Screen - The Alerts Tab
The viewing tab along the bottom will allow you to see a breakdown of all viewings entering into the system and the current status.
Notice the filter options down the left hand side.
For More Information Please See The Attached Document