Tenancy Journal

Tenancy Journal

To attach a ‘New Diary Event’ to Decorus open any Tenancy record and click on the ‘Journal’ tab, you will be presented with 5 new tabs on the top of the journal module (Diary, Emails, Documents, Notes and SMS)

Diary Event

 Whilst on the ‘Diary’ tab click on ‘Add’ to open the diary entry window, from here you can create your diary event, fill in all details such as subject, type of activity such as event or viewing. Select the date and time of the task and fill in any appropriate notes. You can link the diary event to any current work orders or projects and any other related contacts. When all the information is entered click ‘Save and Exit’, this event will now display in the diary window.



 In the ‘Emails’ screen any Emails sent via Decorus will be shown in here. You can also drag and drop any Emails from your Microsoft Outlook account. These will appear in the highlighted section below. You can then attach that Email to a particular contact record.

You can view and open any Emails that are displayed in the Emails window by double clicking on the relevant Email. You can remove any old Emails you no longer need by single clicking on the Email to highlight it and then click delete.


To attach documents to Decorus click on the ‘Documents’ tab. This will display any documents ever merged or attached against a contact. To attach any other documents such as images or any letters that have not been created in Decorus click on the ‘Add’ button, this will open the ‘Document Attach’ window (above) from here you can attach any new documentation using the ‘Attach File’ tab or scan any documents directly to Decorus such as written documents by using the ‘Scan Document’ icon.


 To attach any other notes to the contact record, click on the ‘Notes’ tab. In this window you can see any notes attached by any other users or ‘Add’ your own notes, if you have a list of notes you can select all or several and print them.

When you click the ‘Add’ button the ‘User Note’ window will open, in here you can type any general notes against the contact and even attach documents. Use the ‘Property’ and ‘Tenant’ drop down boxes to attach the note against other properties or tenants if applicable. Click ‘Save’ when completed to add the note to the ‘Notes’ summary screen.


 You can add this feature by going to the ‘Preferences’ window within the ‘Overview’ screen and then clicking on the ‘SMS’ tab.

In this window click on ‘SMS Setup’  this will open a new window

Make a note of the coupon ‘Vision-1234’, this will be required at a later stage, and click on ‘Purchase SMS credits from AQL’ – this will redirect you to the AQL website

Enter ‘Vision-1234’ and click ‘Submit’ – now fill in all your company details to complete set up, every SMS you send will be stored in the journal tab under SMS for the relevant contact.


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