Go to the ‘Landlords’ module and double click on the
Landlord from whom you wish to retain funds for repair
In this screen down the right hand side (Landlord
Management) you need to change ‘Statement by’ to ‘Individual Properties’ – make
sure ‘Inc. Repair’ is ticked - Enter the amount in ‘Repair Retain’ and the date
you wish it to run until, then ‘Save & Exit’
When you create the Landlord Statement you will see the
transaction retained for repairs
If the landlord pays you the money directly for repairs
rather than, putting them through their statements, you can record this in the
Landlord record.
To do this go to the Landlords module, and Double click
on the relevant Landlord record.
In the landlord record go to the ‘Repair Retain’ section
on the bottom right corner and single click on the Account tab next to it.
Select ‘Transfer Funds’
You have four options in this window –
Opening Balance
If you are new to the software and have an opening balance, select
‘Opening Balance’ and enter the details, as below, then click ‘Post’.
This will create a journal entry, debiting ‘Landlord Control Account’ and
crediting ‘Fund Repair’
Receipt from Landlord
If the landlord is paying you funds direct, then select
‘Receipt from Landlord’.
Put in the correct date (date you received money),
reference (e.g. BACS/cheque etc.) and correct amount (always double check that
the rest of the information is correct) and click ‘Post’.
The transaction will then appear in the list as a ‘Bank Receipt’
When you need to use this fund to pay for expenses, you can either add it
to the statement or pay it direct back to the landlord –
In the ‘Repair Account’ window, click on ‘Transfer Funds’
and then select ‘Transfer to Statement’.
Enter the details as before and the amount you wish to
transfer and click ‘Post’.
You will see the deduction in the list and, when you next
create a statement, the funds will be added.
If you are paying the Landlord the funds directly, repeat
the previous process, selecting ‘Pay to Landlord’ and ‘Post’.
This will create a ‘BP’ (Bank Payment) and no further
action is to be taken