Receipting Housing Benefit
- Go to the 'Tenancy' module and click on 'Benefit Receipt'.
- The 'Benefit Receipting' window will then appear.
- Click on the address book against the 'Account Ref' to bring up the contact list. You can also select the contact from the drop down list.
- Choose the contact from the list by clicking on the line once to highlight it in blue and click 'Select Contact'.
- This will then display the transactions against that contact.
- Check that the 'Bank Details' are correct, enter 'Date' and 'Reference' (This is what will appear on the blank reconciliation)
- Click 'Pay in Full' and it will allocate amount against transaction.
- Click 'Post Receipt'.
- Click 'Yes' to the window asking if you would like to post the receipt into Sage.
For Agent Version
- The transaction will now appear in the 'Clear Receipt' window.
- Clear the receipt and the transaction will be in the 'Recurring Charges' window under 'Landlords to Credit'.
- To open the 'Recurring Charges' window, go to the jigsaw puzzle icon in the top left of the menu screen.
- From the drop down select 'Raise Due Transactions'.
- Click 'Post Transactions' and 'Exit'. The transaction will now appear on the next Landlord statement when created.
For More Information Please See Attached Document
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