One Off Landlord Invoice
- Go to the 'Landlord' module and click on 'Landlord Invoice'.
- This will bring up the 'Post Transaction' window.
- Click on the little grey box to the right of the 'Landlord' box to bring up the contact list.
- From this window choose the Landlord from the list by left clicking the line to highlight it in blue and click 'Select Contact' from the top left.
- This should preselect the correct address, however be sure to check that the right one is selected.
- Fill in the following:
> The date for the transaction (today's date will be preselected).
> The type of transaction, this should be set to 'Invoice'.
> Either 'Deducting from Rent' (this will deduct from the Landlord statement) or 'Charged Direct to Landlord' (this will charge the Landlord directly).
> The Nominal code, this should be in the '4000' range.
> The 'Description', this should be a description of what you are charging them for.
- If the Landlord requires an invoice, tick 'Requires Invoice'.
- Finally you will be asked 'Are you sure you want to post this transaction into Sage', click 'Yes'.
For More Information Please See The Attached Document