Management Type - Full Management
- To set a property to 'Full Management' click on the 'Management' tab within the property record.
- This will bring up the 'Property Ownership' window. In this window, click on 'New Owner' to attach a Landlord, this will bring the 'Ownership' window up.
- Click on the little box at the side of the Landlord field which will bring the contact list up, from here select the Landlord by clicking on the line once to highlight in blue and click 'Select Contact'
- This will bring you back to the 'Ownership' window and will have prefixed the Landlord - click 'Save'.
- You are now back at the 'Property Ownership' window, you now want to select 'Full Management' from the drop down list and check '%' to make sure your management fee is correct.
- then click 'Done' and 'Save and Exit' from the property record.
Please See Attached Document for further information.