How to Sync Jobs Into Outlook Diary
Using the Decorus integration with Outlook you are able to export diary events from Decorus into the Outlook Diary.
To create a diary event for a job/work order, first fill in the information in the 'Work Order Info' section -
Navigate to the 'Journal' tab and in the 'Diary' section, click 'Add' -
This will bring up a diary form to you to fill and with information from the job automatically filled in on the right hand side. Fill in the rest of the required information for the diary event then click 'Save and Exit' -
Go to the 'Diary' module and you will find that the new event that you add is not in the list. To send your diary event through to the Outlook diary, click 'Send to Outlook' -
All events with the 'Sync with Outlook' box ticked on the record will then be sent through to Outlook calander -
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