To receipt a tenants rent or deposit select tenancy from the main menu / receipt rent / select the tenant from tenant list, and the sage company from the company list. Any outstanding items will be displayed on the screen in black.
To receipt an item in full click on the item and then click on – pay in full.
The amount, receipt, and analysis totals fields will display the amount and the unallocated box will be zero. Make sure that the transaction date is correct and that you are posting into the correct bank account.
For landlord rent the bank account will be number 1260 ( client bank account ), but if an item is a deposit, receipt it as a single item and post it into the respective deposit bank account ( 1250 or whatever your deposit bank account is ), by selecting the deposit account from the bank account list.
If you are receipting rent and a deposit in one go then post them into the client bank account - 1260. You will then have to do a bank transfer in Sage to transfer the deposit from 1260 into your deposit account ( 1250 or whatever your deposit bank account is ).
When you are ready click – post receipt / Yes and the clear receipt form will appear. This displays rent receipts. If you are receipting a deposit it will be blank. In either case click the clear receipt / yes buttons and the transaction will be posted and the form will disappear and you will return to the tenant list.
If you are receipting an amount that is more or less than an outstanding rent or deposit, enter the amount in the amount box, then click on the item and then click the automatic button. An under payment will be allocated in-part to the outstanding amount, an over payment will be allocated in full to the outstanding amount. If there are any more outstanding items the extra payment will be allocated to them until it has been used up or they have all been marked as paid-in full. If there is any extra un-used receipt at this point it will not show on the screen. Make sure that the date and bank account are correct then click on post receipt / Yes. If a payment on account is to be created you will see a prompt that says something like
“There is an unallocated amount of ? do you want to pay this as a payment on account ( Yes / No ).”
To save it as a payment on account, click Yes, and the clear receipt form will appear. Click on clear receipt and the receipt will be recorded and you will go back to the tenant list.