Housing Benefit Tenancy

Housing Benefit Tenancy

When you create a housing benefit tenancy there are a few things to remember.

Make sure that you have entered your benefit suppliers, like Cumbria County Council etc, in the contact module.
Tick the Benefit option in the contact record, do not tick the applicant or tenant options. 

 When you create a contact record for a housing benefit applicant or tenant, they are not a benefit supplier.
 There is no need to tick the Benefit option in the contact record or the tenant will appear in the benefit supplier  
 list when you go to select the benefit supplier when creating a new housing benefit tenancy.

I shall explain the next point with an example. Say the tenant is paying a rent top-up of 10.00 / month paid in advance, and the housing benefit is 425.00 every four weeks paid in arrears, and the tenancy starts on 01/01 2013.

When you go to activate the tenancy agreement, the charging schedule form will appear. At the bottom of the form there are four tabs ( Rent, Housing Benefit, Management Fees and Settings ).

The rent tab shows the rent top-up amount, next due date and the fact that the payment is made in advance.
You can change the amount, the next due date to anything you want. This is quite strait forward.

The benefit tab the Next Charge date is the one you need to pay attention to. This is the date that the housing benefit is due From, not the date that will appear on the rent schedule. In this example if you set the next charge date to 01/01/2013, the rent schedule would show the housing benefit with a due date of 29/01/2013, that
is the date that it is expected to come in on.

This is the date that you can waste time over, particularly on old housing benefit agreements that have been in existence for ages. It is useful before you enter housing benefit tenancy agreements to make sure that you have the 
Due From date sorted out. If the housing benefit comes in, in arrears, say 7 or 30 days in arrears the same principle applies. The schedule will always show the date you expect to receipt the housing benefit.

Under normal circumstances you should not need to change anything on the Management Fee and Settings tabs
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