Hazards (Block Add-on Only)

Hazards (Block Add-on Only)

To add ‘Hazards’, select the ‘Estate’ module and then click on ‘Hazards’

In the new window, click on ‘Add Hazards’

In the new window, 1st select the location where the hazard is by clicking on the small box icon, which will open a new window with the locations

Choose from the list and click ‘Select’

You now want to enter the ‘Type’ of hazard


Click on the small box to open a new window, ‘Add’ the description type and a frequency for how often it is inspected, then ‘Save’ and select from the list and click ‘OK’


 Fill the rest of the information in and then click ‘Save’

The top icons are

‘Cancel’ – this cancels you out of the window

‘Attach’ – allows you to either attach or scan documents

‘Renew’ – this renews the element to the next period

‘Work Order’ – this will create a work order for the inspection

‘Goto Contact’ – this will re-direct you to the contact record

‘Help’ – this will re-direct you to the support suite

This will now be displayed in the ‘Hazards’ window, which you can either –

Edit/Delete/Print/Export to Excel/View/Create Work Order or Exit

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