Creating a negative Landlord statement.

Creating a negative Landlord statement.

Negative landlord statements occur when there is not enough rent to pay all the expenses that have been charged to the landlord statement, or the statement contains just expenses without any rent having been receipted.

One option would be to delete the un-posted statement and wait until enough rent had been receipted to pay all the bills, and then create a new statement. If you update the negative statement however, posting the transactions into Sage, then you must proceed as follows and I shall explain the process with an example. 

Say you had produced a negative statement with a balance of -123.00, and posted it into Sage. 
The next statement may contain 1000.00 rent less 100.00 commission leaving 900.00 to be paid to the landlord. If you create and update this statement and pay the landlord you will pay 900.00
and still be owed 123.00. What you do is this!

Create and update the statement in the normal way. Then select Pay Landlord from the landlord menu and a list of any un-paid items will be displayed. Highlight the payment you have just created and delete it from the list. This stops you paying the 900.00 to the landlord.

Then select Landlord Payment, top left, and do a manual landlord payment.  When you select the landlord all the items outstanding to be processed will be displayed in black in the body of the screen. Pay off all the items using pay in full from the bottom menu.

In the case of the example above the final payment to the landlord would be 777.00, that is
1000.00 rent less 100.00 commission less 123.00 which is the outstanding balance of the negative statement. You would end up paying the landlord 777.00 and giving two invoices, one for 900.00
and one for -123.00.
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