Go into the tenancy module and double click on the tenant record in question. Select activity / schedule.
Click on the periodic button and the basic tenancy charging details will appear in the right hand column.
The periodic option at the top of the form will be ticked. Below this option the next rent and benefit charging
dates will be displayed. Under normal circumstances you may bechanging the amount of rent or housing benefit to be charged on the next due rent date and you can just leave these dates alone.
If for some reason you wished to charge a different amount and backdate the new charge set the next rent or housing date to the required date. Below you will see a caption – Rent and Frequency. Enter the new rent in the rent box and you have the option to change the charging frequency. If you are changing housing benefit click on the
benefit button, and from the benefit form you can change any rent top-up and benefit amounts, the charging frequencies and the housing benefit authority. In this case click on update housing benefit and return back to the main periodic form. Then click on – Update Agreement, and you will return back to the periodic column. Save the tenants record.
Go to the Jigsaw menu and select – Raise Due Transactions. If you have modified a periodic tenancy and back dated the next rent or housing benefit due date, then the modified schedule transactions will be displayed. Go back into the tenants record and go to the schedule. The new transactions should appear in the schedule. Delete any unwanted un-posted transactions that will appear in black.