Budget in a Project List

Budget in a Project List

Go to the ‘Jobs’ module – under the ‘Project List’ section. Double click into a project

This then brings up the ‘Projects’ window. Click on the ‘Budget’ tab at the bottom of the screen.

Enter your budget requirements in the system by clicking ‘Add’. This will bring up a new window.

Enter ‘Cost Code’ by clicking on the box at the side which will bring up a new window select from the list and click ‘OK’


If you wish to add your own ‘Cost Code’ description, whilst in the ‘Cost Code’ window, click ‘Add’ and a new box will appear, type description and click ‘Save’ this will then add the description to the list for you to select as before


(Once you have selected/added ‘Cost Code’, go back to the budget window and fill out all relevant information)

‘Description’ – Relevant to job needed to be done

‘Estimate’ – What you think your budget will cover

‘Notes’ Tab – Add any notes about the budget.



Repeat this process until you have entered all your estimated costing’s

Once they are all entered, and add up to the budget value you have estimated, e.g. £10,000, you can allocate transactions via the ‘Supplier Invoice’ against each one, as it is completed, to keep a track of your spending

To allocate actual costs against budget, in the ‘Projects Record’ window select ‘Transaction History’ (bottom tab). You will see all supplier invoices raised against that property. Click on ‘Select Transactions’

A new window will appear. All transactions will be pre-selected. If you want to de-select any transactions click on the ‘x’ at the side of No, the ‘x’ will then disappear which means that transaction will not appear. Then click on the line once to highlight in blue and then click the little box at the side of ‘Cost Code’ (bottom bar)


This will bring up a new window for you to select what ‘Cost Code’ you allocated the budget transaction against


Select correct ‘Cost Code’ by clicking on once to highlight in blue then ‘OK’, this will then enter that description in ‘Cost Code’ field, click ‘Update’


You will now see that the correct cost codes appear against the transaction, repeat this for all transactions and click ‘Save’

When you click back on the ‘Budget’ icon (bottom bar) you will notice it has updated actual costs against budget

Click ‘Save & Exit’.

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