There are 2 processors you need to carry out to fix this issue
1. Correct the property record in Decorus Essentials
a) Open the property record in Decorus Essentials.
b) Click on the management tab
c) Highlight the current landlord and click on the delete owner button on the toolbar
d) Click on New Owner and select the correct landlord
e) Click on Save Changes. Decorus Essentials will prompt you to update current tenancy agreements. Select Yes
2. Correct the transaction detail in Sage. This will depend on how far into the process you have gone.
a) If the rent from the tenant is still outstanding. (ie no payments have been recorded against the transaction)
1. From the tenant's activity screen, double click on the transaction in question.
2. With the Transaction window open, click on the Edit button on the toolbar
3. Replace the extra reference field with the Sage account reference of the correct landlord eg [L:BLOGGS]. You will need to check the landlord's contact record to obtain this
4. Click on Save
5. When the transaction has been receipted and cleared it will appear against the correct landlord
b) If the rent from the tenant has been receipted and cleared. Decorus Essentials will have created (SC) a credit to the wrong landlord so we will need to use the Sage corrections feature to correct this problem
1. From the tenant's activity screen, double click on the transaction in question
2. Click on the Landlord Transaction tab on the transaction window form
3. Make a note of the audit trail number of the SC created. This will be linked to the wrong landlord
4. Run Sage and click on correction from the Company menu bar
5. Find the transaction you have noted and click on the edit button
6. Select the correct Account from the list of accounts.
7. If the landlord has yet to be created in Sage then you will need to create a new Landlord in Decorus Essentials, clicking on the Update Sage check box before the record is Saved. Exit Sage first
8 Load Sage and try again from the corrections screen