Adding a New Property
- Click on the 'Property' tab in the top bar and then choose 'New Property'.
- This will open a blank property record.
- Fill in all the details (A Sage department code is automatically assigned every time you create a new property).
- Once the details have been filled in click on the 'Management' button.
- This opens the 'Property Ownership' window. In this window you can select whether the property is 'owned' by you or 'Managed' by Landlord.
- If 'Owned' by you, fill in the information and then click 'Done'.
- If you select 'Managed' then click 'New Owner' at the top of the screen. This will bring you to the 'Ownership' screen. From here click the grey box to the right of the Landlord section, which will bring you to the contact list.
- Select the Landlord
- If you have not yet added the Landlord onto the system click 'New Contact' at the top of the 'Contact List'.
- Fill the details in for the new Landlord then click 'Save and Exit'.
- This will bring you back to the 'Ownership' screen, make sure the correct Landlord is selected. Click done and the Landlord will be added to the property.
- Once you have filled in all the information, click 'Save and Exit'.
For more information please see attached document