Add a Supplier Invoice (Landlord)
- Go to the 'Supplier' module and click on 'Supplier Invoices' (bottom tab) and then click on 'New Invoice'.
- The 'Supplier Invoice' window will appear.
- Click on the 'Box' at the side of supplier and the 'Contact List' will appear for you to choose your supplier.
- From the list select supplier by clicking on the line once to highlight in blue and click 'Select Contact'.
'Invoice Type' - Keep as invoice.
'Invoice Date' - Keep at today's date or you can type over and choose and date.
'Invoice Ref' - Type in relevant reference for you.
- Now click 'Add Item'.
- This will open the 'Invoice Item' window.
'Date' - Keep at the same date you chose previously.
'Type' - Keep at invoice, if it is an 'Office Transaction' then tick the 'This is an Office Transaction' box. (If you tick this box, it will prefix the property with 'Office Transaction' and will not choose a property. If it is charged to the 'Tenant', choose the 'Property' from the drop down list.
'Charge to' - If you select 'Tenant' it will auto select the tenant on the right and a second box will appear if you 'Mark Up' to the tenant.
For More Information Please See The Attached Document